Netflix Series Narcos Review.

"Narcos" is a crime drama television series that premiered on Netflix in 2015. The show chronicles the life and times of drug lord Pablo Escobar and the efforts of law enforcement to bring him down. The series is based on real events and stars Wagner Moura as Escobar, Boyd Holbrook and Pedro Pascal as DEA agents Steve Murphy and Javier Peña, respectively.

The first season of the show covers the rise of Escobar and the Medellín Cartel, while the second and third seasons follow the efforts to capture and kill him. The series received positive reviews for its acting, writing, and historical accuracy, with criticism directed at its graphic violence.

Overall, "Narcos" is a well-made and engaging series that offers a glimpse into the world of drug trafficking and the efforts to combat it. It is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and those interested in the real-life story of Pablo Escobar.

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